10 good reasons not to underestimate the costs of inaccurate documentation
- #redazione tecnica
- #documentation
- #technical communication
In periods of crisis, there are usually cuts, cuts and more cuts. Save on everything is the order of the day. Communication often suffers first, as it is considered added value, not a fundamental aspect. How many times have you heard that communication is not manufacturing, but an accessory service? Thus, it is extremely useful, though an accessory that can be cut and saved on.
Instead, there are thresholds of accuracy that one should remember never to cross. Accuracy means not just "written in Italian without grammatical errors," but possibly include: fit for purpose, user-oriented, with the right level of detail, integrated into business communication, and in the style and tone required by the type of document.
If you still think that, out of your company documents, technical documents can be cut to the bone and overseen with minimum effort, just because they have to be produced, then here are 10 good reasons why you should never let your guard down.
1. People love finding what they are looking for.
Contrary to general belief, people read documentation and are frustrated when they can’t find the information they need. You don't think so? Use Google or another search engine to search for “I can’t find anything in the documentation”: you’ll get over 1 billion hits.
2. Documents express the company’s quality.
Documentation with shortcomings harms the company image and endangers the brand. Many business owners win over customers in person, bringing them to the company, letting hem test the quality of the company’s products. Why don’t you do this (also) using the documentation sent in advance? For this reason, documents must be aligned with the company image, well crafted and high quality.
3. Well-crafted documents can avoid many information risks.
Also think of the high costs of an incoming call center that answers customers’ questions and the amount of time spent by operators to search for the information customers need. Our customers have stated that, with documentation in which information is hard to find, 70% of calls last only two minutes: the time it takes to tell the end users where to find the information to autonomously answer their questions!
4. Documents with the right amount of details increases the effectiveness of work.
Your salespeople – especially if they represent a large, complex range of product lines – will also need good documentation that helps them quickly and accurately answer questions from current and potential customers.
5. Accurate documents make inspections quick (and possibly painless).
85% of inspections by public entities or authorities (tax authorities and quality or sundry certification bodies) begin with a documentation check: the inspector had better find it and understand what they are reading!
6. Technical writers participating in the manufacturing process contribute to the success of the products.
In some companies, the people in charge of the documentation are the only ones who know every characteristic of the products: by correctly applying the stages of the documentation development process, they can identify defects and suggest areas for improvement before the products are issued on the market.
7. Accurate documents avoid unpleasant legal disputes.
Well-crafted documentation that is user-oriented and focused on safety can reduce liability in cases where customers cause harm (to themselves or third parties) by using the product and ignoring the written instructions accompanying it.
8. Consistent documents reduce translation costs.
If you sell your products throughout the world, consistent documentation reduces translation costs and the possibility of mistakes.
9. Documented company procedures and rules improve companies.
Documentation regarding company rules and procedures is fundamental for standardizing good practice and disseminating them in your company, letting all workers acquire them and put them into practice.
10. Shared procedures and rules create sound companies.
In companies with high staff turnover, clear, simple and effective documentation helps new workers acclimate into the company quicker, into its mentality and operations, and more quickly reach the level of performance of more expert or more senior coworkers.