Flexibility for the most demanding publication channels
Carlo Gavazzi
A great deal of technical information accompanies electronic devices, and such information often has to be laid out on very small sheets. However, it must be possible to view that same information on paper, on a portal online, and on tablets as captions of interactive 3D objects. All of this in multiple languages.
International group that is the leader in designing and manufacturing electronic devices for industrial automation and building automation.
Where we started
The client created multi-lingual technical documentation of various types (datasheets and manuals) using paginators, Microsoft Office tools and a CMS that was difficult to use. Managing a single multi-lingual document required many manual activities to update the document.
Activities performed
- Outsourced writing and translation of datasheets, single and multilingual foldable instruction sheets
- Comprehensive training of writing team, preparation of templates for different formats, preparation of prototypes for online guides for software applications, ongoing follow-up of editors
Most noticeable results
- The writers are autonomous in producing all technical documentation of electronic devices and rely on us as needed.
- The content is also reused for website content and content for interactive 3D publications.