What is technical communication?
- #documentation
- #technical communication
Technical Communication is a type of communications that collects, analyzes, organizes and presents complex technical information in a way that is usable and suited to the users it is targeted to.
Given a product (e.g.: device, plant, software or machine), numerous possible publications or deliverables (es.: training materials, quick guides, videos, electrical diagrams) can be created, each of which is targeted to a specific user, and thus has a specific purpose.
Thus, various tools (e.g.: authoring, screencasting or presentation tools) can be used, requiring different skills.
The publications are also required to comply with regulations, agreements and product rules.
This means that technical communication not only regards technical writing and technical drawing, but is a complex world oriented to the target user of the information.
Anything that I write, draw, photograph or record must have the following characteristics for my recipient:
- useful
- easy to understand
- easy to use
- easy to find
At this point it is understood that the manual is only one of the viable publications, and the technical communicator must be aware of the variety of communication media available to him to put them in the service of user safety and learning.
Why is the term communication engineering also used? From Collins:
Engineering: ... the work involved in designing and constructing engines and machinery, or structures such as roads and bridges. Engineering is also the subject studied by people who want to do this work.
This is why technical communication has an absolute “engineering” approach to information.